Important Announcements

More COVID Rules


Indoor Dining, Indoor Fitness, and Indoor Entertainment and Certain Meeting Spaces     Children: Starting December 14, children ages 5 to 11 are required to have proof of vaccination for the public indoor activities described here:  

They must show they have received at least one dose of a vaccine. Children ages 5-11 only need a single dose up until January 28, 2022. Beginning January 29, 2022, 5-11 year olds will need to show proof of a full regimen of a COVID-19 vaccine, just like individuals who are 12 and older.    People 12 and older: Starting December 27, people 12 and older participating in indoor activities will be required to show proof they have received two vaccine doses, except for those who have received the one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.    
If your business is covered by this requirement, you are required to check the vaccination status of all staff and customers 5 and older. You may not permit entry to anyone 5 and older who has not received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, unless an exception in the Executive Order for Key to NYC or the Frequently Asked Questions document applies.  

You can allow customers to use the bathroom or for another reason that will take a small amount of time (for example, less than 10 minutes).    Businesses that do not comply with this policy will be subject to fines.   

To implement this policy:    NEW: Fill out the Affirmation of Compliance With Key to NYC Worker Vaccination Requirements certificate and post it in a public place.    Place the Vaccination Required Poster for Businesses (PDF) in a place that is clearly visible to people before they enter your business    Become familiar with the accepted proofs of vaccination listed here.    Develop a written implementation plan that will be available for inspection. This should include how you will check the vaccination status of staff and customers before they enter — or immediately after they enter — your business.    Help your staff get vaccinated: Consider hanging posters about the COVID-19 vaccines in break rooms and provide information about where to get vaccinated.   

If you are a small business and have questions about this policy, call the SBS hotline at 888-SBS-4NYC (888-727-4692). 
All Other Private Sector Businesses    Starting December 27, employers must ensure that all workers who enter the workplace or come into contact with the public during the course of their work beyond a quick and limited purpose show proof of at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination. Workers will have up to 45 days to produce proof of a second dose in a two-dose vaccination series.   Those who have not provided proof of at least one dose or applied for a reasonable accommodation on religious or medical grounds by the deadline must be excluded from the workplace.   Additional information about the new vaccination requirement for private sector businesses can be found at starting on Wednesday, December 15. 
Indoor Face Covering Guidance     On December 10, 2021, Governor Kathy Hochul announced masks are required to be worn in all indoor public places unless businesses or venues implement a vaccine requirement.   This major action to address the winter surge comes as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations rise statewide and is in alignment with the CDC’s recommendations for communities with substantial and high transmission.   The State Health Commissioner issued a determination solidifying the requirement.     You can read the State Health Commissioner’s December 10, 2021 Determination Letter.   More details can be found in the State’s FAQs.   If you have any questions, please call the SBS hotline at 888-SBS-4NYC.  
Important Announcements


The Bronx Chamber of Commerce reminds all thatIf you received a PPP you are required to apply for forgiveness. There is a 5-minute application that has to be completed in order to have this money completely forgiven, otherwise it becomes a loan in which the SBA and IRS will require to be repaid. We urge everyone who received a PPP loan to apply for forgiveness to avoid having to repay whatever money they received. For more information, go to:

What's Happening This Month

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The Board of Directors and the staff of the Throggs Neck BID wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous 2022. The Throggs Neck BID will continue to do all that it can to add on to the many achievements, including brighter lighting, improved sanitation, more security, distributing free masks and sanitizers, and better appearance that we brought to the community in 2021.

Featured Business

Holiday Discount at Crosstown Diner

The award winning CROSSTOWN DINER is offering a 10% discount if you order online! Go to

Check out their extraordinary CATERING MENU for all your holiday needs! Check it out here

Important Announcements

Small Business Resilience Grant

Details of the Small Business Resilience Grant from the NYC Department of Small Business Services:

This new grant is designed to help NYC’s small businesses offset operational expenses to mitigate economic hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This grant program will provide $10,000 grants to eligible small businesses in:

  • Low-to-moderate income (LMI) areas
  • The arts, entertainment, and recreation sectors; and/or
  • The accommodation and food services sector

Examples of appropriate uses for a grant include:

  • supporting payroll and benefits costs
  • costs to retain employees
  • mortgage, rent, or utilities costs
  • other operating costs.

This program will be administered by Lendistry.


What's Happening This Month

BID Presents Holiday Event

On December 5, the Throggs Neck BID, along with Assembly Member Michael Benedetto, the Crosstown Diner, HK Restaurant, Deluca Family McDonalds, and the Throggs Neck Merchants Association presented the Throggs Neck Annual Tree Lighting and Toy Giveaway. The spectacular event drew a large crowd, and featured a musical serenade by the Saint Benedicts Children’s choir and an extraordinary amount of food from the three restaurants featured. Special thanks to the NYC Parks Department, the 45th precinct, and the many volunteers who made the event a success!

Pictured above, left to right: Geri Colon, (Throggs Neck Merchants Association;) Bob Jaen, (Executive Director of the Throggs Neck BID;) John Murano, (Vice President of the Throggs Neck Merchants Association;) and Frank Vernuccio, (Throggs Neck BID Associate.) The heavy set guy in the middle wearing a red suit requires no identification!

Important Announcements

Employee Retention Credit Eliminated

The National Law Review  reports that President Biden’s signing of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) on November 15, 2021, retroactively eliminates an employer’s ability to claim employee retention credits (ERC) for eligible wages paid after September 30, 202.

Featured Business

BID Lights up the Holidays

The Throggs Neck BID is making East Tremont Avenue the best place to eat, shop and do business possible during the holidays and throughout the year. On Sunday, we lit up the neighborhood with beautiful holiday lights. On December 5, a very special event will take place when Santa Claus arrives at the Derosa-O’Boyle Triangle next to the public library. (More on that will be published soon.)

Does your business have any special holiday specials or features? Let us know, and we will help get the word out!

What's Happening This Month

BID Sponsors Tree Lighting & Toy Giveaway

The Throggs Neck Bid, in conjunction with Assembly member Mike Benedetto, McDonald’s Deluca family, the Crosstown Diner, HK Restaurant, and the Throggs Neck Merchants Association, will host a Christmas Tree Lighting and Toy Giveaway on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 5:30 pm, at DEROSA O’BOYLE TRIANGLE near the Throggs Neck Library. Snacks, music, and Santa Claus will be featured!

What's Happening This Month

Small Business Weekend

It’s Small Business Weekend! Patronize the great shops and restaurants on East Tremont Avenue.