Important Announcements

BID Leads Fight to Save Local Food Shops

The Throggs Neck BID’s fight to save local food shops made the front page of this week’s Bronx Times Reporter. Read the article here.

In response to Hurricane IDA, rather than send help to pump out basements and provide other necessary assistance, NYC sent food trucks to distribute meals purchased out of the area, further harming those businesses.

What's Happening This Month

Fine, Penalty Reduction

A new NYC program, FAIRER (Fines and Interest Reduction Enabling Recovery) initiated by Council member Mark Gjonaj allows respondents or payors to resolve outstanding Environmental Control Board (ECB) judgements issued by various city agencies and adjudicated by the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH).

Fines may be reduced by 75%. 90 day amnesty deadline.

For more information, visit

Featured Business


Free Pfizer Covid vaccines will be available on Saturday, September 25, from 12—5pm at the Throggs Neck Little League Field, 150 Throggs Neck Blvd.

Walk-ins are welcome, no insurance or proof of immigration status required.

Important Announcements

City Harms Area Restaurants

Our businesses and residents urgently required assistance in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida.  The devastation was all the worse in the wake of the deep financial distress caused by COVID and the ongoing city restrictions.

Help should have included pumping out flooded areas, removing debris, and other relevant activities. Instead, the City hired food trucks from outside our area, even out of NY State, to hand out free food. These trucks were in some cases parked, incredibly, in front of restaurants, further harming their chances of post-pandemic survival, and in bus stops, causing hazardous conditions for both motorists and pedestrians.

Incredibly, all this has been paid for by the tax dollars from the businesses that have been harmed.

The Throggs Neck BID has addressed this issue with the relevant city agencies.  

If your business has been damaged by Ida, please contact us at, with your contact information and a description of the damage. 

What's Happening This Month

Inspection Process Begins

Today, September 13, begins NYC’s inspection regime for places of public gatherings. Customers must be asked to prove vaccination status. ALTHOUGH WE OPPOSE THIS MEASURE, we urge businesses to comply to avoid the heavy fines. WE DO SUGGEST that you ask the inspectors to PROVE THEIR VACCINATION STATUS before allowing them to enter your premises.

What's Happening This Month

9/11: We Will Never Forget

The Board of Directors and the staff of the Throggs Neck BID recalls with gratitude the sacrifices of the police, fire, and military personnel who responded so heroically to the attacks of 9/11. We remember with affection all those heroic Americans who died on that terrible day, and those that followed.

Featured Business


Vaccinations are available this weekend:

St. Frances de Chantal Church
NYC Mobile Van
190 Hollywood Avenue
Bronx, NY 10465
Dates: September 10 – 12
Friday – Sunday, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Vaccine offered: Pfizer (12+)

Important Announcements

Has your business been damaged by the recent Flooding?

Business Assistance

You can start by reviewing this site:

New Yorkers can call for live, one-on-one assistance: 888-SBS-4NYC (888-727-4692)
In addition, the following resources are available:
In-person assistance – to request, call hotline 888-SBS-4NYC (888-727-4692) or visit
Commercial lease assistance – learn more by visiting
Business financing – ​get help applying by visiting
Post-loss insurance tips for businesses:
Immediately contact your insurance company or broker/agent.
Carefully read your insurance policy to understand what losses are covered.
Take photographs or a video of the damaged areas and assets to help with your claim.
Don’t remove any damaged property until the insurance adjuster has assessed the damage and made an official report.
Make only those repairs necessary to prevent any further damage; if you make permanent repairs unauthorized by the insurance company, they may not be covered.
Keep all receipts for repairs and temporary business expenses.
To help establish the value of your claim, prepare a detailed inventory of all damaged or destroyed property (item, quantity, date of purchase, cost at purchase, age, and estimated replacement cost), along with your pre-loss photographs.
Accompany the adjuster to point out damage during the inspection.
If the settlement offered by the insurance company seems unfair, contact the New York State Insurance Department by visiting
If the insurance company denies any part of your claim, get the denial in writing, and keep copies.
Always contact your insurance company and claims adjuster any time you find additional damage not previously reported.

Has your business been damaged by the recent Flooding? New York City’s Small Business Administration recommends the following immediate next steps: If you or others are facing immediate danger, please call 911.Determine whether you have access to your space, assess any damage and consider the following:Will you be able to conduct business in the near-term?Are your employees impacted and/or can they can travel to the work site?What insurance do you have, and do you have access to the records needed to file a claim? Carefully review the post-loss insurance tips below   If you need additional support from an emergency response professional to assess your space and your specific business needs, call NYC Department of Small Business Services hotline at 888-SBS-4NYC (888-727-4692).
Post-loss insurance tips:    Immediately contact your insurance company or broker/agent.Carefully read your insurance policy to understand what losses are covered.Take photographs or a video of the damaged areas and assets to help with your claim.Don’t remove any damaged property until the insurance adjuster has assessed the damage and made an official report.Make only those repairs necessary to prevent any further damage; if you make permanent repairs unauthorized by the insurance company, they may not be covered.Keep all receipts for repairs and temporary business expenses.To help establish the value of your claim, prepare a detailed inventory of all damaged or destroyed property (item, quantity, date of purchase, cost at purchase, age, and estimated replacement cost), along with your pre-loss photographs.Accompany the adjuster to point out damage during the inspection.If the settlement offered by the insurance company seems unfair, contact the New York State Insurance Department by visiting the insurance company denies any part of your claim, get the denial in writing, and keep copies.Always contact your insurance company and claims adjuster any time you find additional damage not previously reported.
Featured Business

Diamond Luxury Events Opens in BID

An 1800 square foot open space venue has opened in the heart of the Throggs Neck BID. Diamond Luxury Events provides an ideal location for all gatherings, from business conferences to family events. Managed by Orett whyte and Sharmine Campbell, the beautifully designed interior is located at 3702 East Tremont Avenue. Call them at 929-504-1922, or email them at for more information.   

What's Happening This Month

NYC Required Posters Available at BID office

The required posters regarding NYC’s new COVID regulations for certain indoor activities may be downloaded from SBS. However, you may also pick one up at the BID office, 3800 East Tremont Avenue, 2nd floor. Please call first to insure available supplies.