What's Happening This Month


NYC’s required vaccination program for businesses, entitled “Key to NYC” is now in effect.  

 Inspections and enforcement will begin the week of September 13. 

 Staff and customers age 12 and older are now required to show proof they have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine authorized for emergency use by the FDA or WHO.       

Indoor dining  Includes restaurants, catering halls, event spaces, hotel banquet rooms, bars, nightclubs, cafeterias, grocery stores with indoor dining, coffee shops and fast food or quick service with indoor dining
·       Indoor fitness  Includes gyms, fitness centers, fitness classes, pools, indoor studios and dance studios
·       Indoor entertainment  Includes movie theaters, music and concert venues, museums and galleries, aquariums and zoos, professional sports arenas, indoor stadiums, convention centers, exhibition halls, performing arts theaters, bowling alleys, arcades, pool and billiard halls, recreational game centers, adult entertainment and indoor play areas

If your business is covered by this requirement, you will be required to check the vaccination status of all staff and customers 12 and older. You may not permit entry to anyone 12 and older who has not received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. You can make an exception for allowing customers to use the bathroom or for another reason that will take a small amount of time (e.g. less than 10 minutes).

This policy is in effect as of August 17, and enforcement will begin on September 13. Businesses that do not comply with this policy will be subject to fines.

To comply with this policy:·  Place the Vaccination Required Poster for Businesses in a place that is clearly visible to people before they enter your business.      

Become familiar with the accepted proofs of vaccination listed above.·       

Develop a written implementation plan that will be available for inspection. This should include how you will check the vaccination status of staff and customers before they enter — or immediately after they enter — your business.

Help your staff get vaccinated: Consider hanging posters about the COVID-19 vaccines in break rooms and provide information about where to get vaccinated.

If you are a small business and have questions about this policy, call NYC Department of Small Business Services hotline at 888-SBS-4NYC (888-727-4692).

Proof of VaccinationProof of vaccination may include:·       

NYC COVID Safe App·       Excelsior Pass·       CDC Vaccination Card (or photo)·       NYC Vaccination Record·       An official immunization record from outside NYC or the U.SIf you received the vaccine outside the U.S., you must have an official immunization record that includes:·       First name and last name·       Date of birth·       Vaccine product name (only vaccines authorized by the WHO are acceptable)·       Date(s) administered·       Site where the vaccine was administered, or name of the person who administered it

Further Information

Affected small businesses with questions can call the NYC Department of Small Business Services hotline at 888-SBS-4NYC (888-727-4692) or 311.
Visit to find additional resources for businesses, including printable copies of required signage, a Key to NYC Pass checklist, FAQs, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions can be found here:

Download and print the required poster

Discrimination Complaints

Indoor dining, fitness and entertainment venues must accept valid proof that you received at least one dose of any vaccine authorized for emergency use by the FDA or WHO. This requirement may not be used as an excuse for businesses to discriminate against anyone who has valid vaccination proof.You have a right to be free from discrimination or harassment. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of who you are, including your race, national origin or disability, contact the NYC Commission on Human Rights.

Important Announcements

Free COVID Masks

The Throggs Neck BID is obtaining new masks and related material to distribute to neighborhood businesses, following NYC’s re-imposition of some COVID restrictions. To make an appointment to obtain these free supplies, please email the BID at

Important Announcements

Major Improvements Moving Swiftly

Throggs Neck BID-initiated and advocated programs are moving forward swiftly. Work on providing much better lighting for East Tremont is proceeding.  Beautification efforts, including significant improvements to the tree pits (which have already benefited from new plantings and mulch) will take place in the Fall.  Plans are being finalized for the timely installation of anti-crime cameras on the avenue.

Important Announcements

New Covid Requirements

New York City will require proof of vaccination for customers and workers participating in indoor dining, gyms, entertainment, and performances.  The final details of this policy will be announced and implemented the week of August 16. Inspections and enforcement will begin the week of September 13.  
Proof of vaccination includes the paper vaccination card, the Excelsior pass, or the NYC COVID Safe app.   

What's Happening This Month

BID Opposes Out-of-Scale Development

The Throggs Neck Business Improvement District (The BID) vehemently opposes the construction of housing or commercial development at the former Better Gro site and the adjacent lots or buildings until there is total and complete consultation, input and approval of local residents, community leaders and organizations, and the community planning board.

This massive, out-of-character development proposal, which has been shrouded in secrecy, has just been sprung upon the community without any details regarding its size or scope. It is totally out of step with our one-and two-family home neighborhood and its small shops.

This will radically alter the nature of our community, adding untold congestion, overwhelming our schools, transportation systems, basic services and infrastructure.

Important Announcements

BID Coordinates with NYPD to Safeguard Community

On July 27, BID Director Bob Jaen (center in photo) met with the Executive Officer of Patrol Borough Bronx, Deputy Chief Brendan Tmoney (left in photo)  and 45 Precinct Commander Capt. Isaac Soberal (right in photo) to do a “walk through” the community to review public safety issues.

The BID is working with the NYPD and Assembly Member Benedetto to install anti-crime cameras, a project which may be completed as early as next year.

Important Announcements

“Cookie With a Cop” at McDonalds

Have a “Cookie with a Cop” at McDonalds, 3660 East Tremont Avenue on July 27 at 2pm.

What's Happening This Month

Underdog Opens

Underdog Boxing & Fitness has opened at 3448 East Tremont Avenue. 

It’s an extraordinary site to learn and take part in wide range of activities, including weight training, boxing, kickboxing, yoga, hot yoga, kids boxing, and fitness. 

Appointments are required. Call 347-293-7264.

What's Happening This Month

Meet Your Local FDNY at McDonald’S

McDonalds will host an opportunity to meet our Fire Department Heroes.

Come to the newly renovated McDonalds at 3660 East Tremont Avenue this Sunday, July 18, from 11–1pm.

Featured Business

Uncle Louie G’s Opens

The Throggs Neck BID is home to the best food in the region. Recently, a new and welcomed addition to the community opened up at 4005 East Tremont Avenue: Uncle Louie G’s Italian Ice and Ice Cream. It’s the type of place you will want to visit practically every day, especially during the summer months.

An extraordinary selection of delicious, authentic Italian Ices as well as Ice Cream flavors provides perfect desserts for every palate. Friendly service adds to the great dining experience!

Photo: Mark, one of Louie G’s owners, stands in front of the dessert emporium.