MTA Management will be at the corner of East Tremont and Randall near the TD Bank on May 12 from 1:30–3pm to discuss issues of volume ridership increase with local businesses.
Author: Frank V
A One Year Report Card
A One Year Report Card
One year ago, The East Tremont Avenue shopping area had:
- Less safety. The BID hired a private security firm to make the neighborhood safer.
- More litter. The BID hired a private sanitation company to help keep it clean.
- Less trees. The BID worked with the Parks Department to plant new trees, and enhance the beauty of the tree pits.
- Inadequate information. The BID started a newsletter, a website, and a Facebook page to make sure all the important information got to those who operate businesses, work, live and shop in the area.
Just as the BID started operations, the world was hit with the worst pandemic in a century. While much of the city shut down, the BID moved ahead full speed to protect the community.
- BID personnel went door-to-door handing out masks and sanitizing supplies.
- The BID arranged for private COVID testing in the community.
- The BID arranged food at Thanksgiving for hundreds of needy families through a local food pantry, and had a film crew donate funds for a local church.
The Best is Yet to come!
- Starting soon, enhanced lighting will make our area more inviting to be in at night.
- Arrangements are being made, with a grant obtained by Assembly Member Benedetto, to install security cameras.
The Reopening Begins
Curfew Will Be Removed for Outdoor Dining Areas Beginning May 17 and Indoor Areas Beginning May 31
Curfew for Catered Events Where Attendees Have Proof of Vaccination Status or Negative COVID Test Result Will Be Lifted Beginning May 17 and Curfew for All Catered Events Lifted May 31
Catered Events Can Resume at Residences Beginning May 3 in Accordance with State’s Reopening Guidelines
Seating Allowed at Bars in New York City Began May 3
Important Dining Dates
MAY 3: Bar Seating Allowed
May 17: Midnight curfew on outdoor dining ends
May 31: Midnight curfew on indoor dining ends
In response to Covid-19, the NYC Department of Small Business Services is offering a limited 4-session workshop series to help small businesses adapt to the new and “next” normal. (for businesses that have remote interactions with their customers all or some of the time (i.e., online businesses and vendors).
Session Dates:
- Monday, May 3rd; 6-7:30pm
- Wednesday, May 5th; 6-7:30pm
- Monday, May 10th; 6-7:30pm
- Wednesday, May 12th; 6-7:30pm
Once you register, you will be signed up for all four sessions. It is suggested that you sign up with the intention of attending all four 90-minute sessions.
About the Limited Series:
This series will provide strategies, tools, and resources to help New York City’s small business owners adapt to the new and “next” normal.
Each track contains four Zoom-based sessions that are interactive and build upon each other. You will be given exercises, resources, and opportunities to discuss and apply concepts, as well as templates to support your business. There will be short assignments to deepen your learning and apply the concepts between sessions. The facilitators are experienced business owners/mentors who have been specially trained to conduct this workshop series.
This series is for you if you:
- Are a business owner currently operating a business or previously operating a business with the intent of re-opening
- Have a business that has been impacted by COVID-19, and are looking to recover and adapt your operations, finances, and marketing to a new normal
- Want to think beyond the immediate short-term recovery of your business and start planning for 2021
Workshop Content Overview:
Session 1 (Monday, May 3rd):
- How Covid-19 has impacted your business
- Keeping yourself, your staff, your customers, and your community safe
- Low cost, high impact tools including technology
- Cash flow, more costs, less revenue
Session 2 (Wednesday, May 5th):
- Bringing customers back using digital tools
- Diversifying income streams
- Examining business opportunities and strength
- Discussing examples of businesses that excelled in economic downturns
Session 3 (Monday, May 10th):
- Examine weaknesses and threats
- Develop contingency plans
- Diversifying additional income streams
- Adapting financial modeling
Session 4 (Wednesday, May 12th):
- Looking at long-term trends and how to leverage them
- Update strategic opportunities within your business eco-system
- Looking more closely at enabling technology
- Developing your action plan
Following consistent urging by the Throggs Neck BID, installation (by the NYC Dept. of Transportation) of new street lights to brighten the BID corridor will begin in May.
Boiler Room Inspections
The NYC Fire Department is conducting inspections on boiler rooms. For questions regarding boiler issues, read here or call the Boiler Division Hot Line at (212) 393-2661.
Civil Disturbances
CIVIL DISTURBANCES unfortunately occur from time to time. The Throggs Neck BID spoke with police personnel, who urge common sense precautions. These include safety measures such as making sure unsecured objects such as chairs, tables, and other movable property are removed from sidewalks if disorder appears imminent. Have a plan to deposit cash on a frequent basis to your bank. Expect the Sanitation Department to remove trash receptacles during dangerous periods.
The Governors’ Office has announced that Effective Monday, April 19, the curfew for bars and restaurants will be changed from 11pm to midnight. The curfew for catered events will move from midnight to 1am.
An EATER magazine article reports that “’The curfew extension is a step in the right direction,’ says Andrew Rigie, the executive director of the NYC Hospitality Alliance, but there are still other regulations that restaurateurs and bar owners would like to see removed. ‘The extra hour is good news for restaurants, bars and customers, but we need to also lift the rule that prohibits customers from being seated to eat at a bar in NYC, and revisit removing the requirement that a ‘food item’ be served with a drink”
GOTITALL Has it all
A new, unique store has moved into the BID.
GOTITALL, located at 3789 East Tremont Avenue has a wide range of merchandise, including, quite literally, everything from kitchen sinks to books, and just about everything in between. Televisions, pet supplies, and even dental supplies are available.
The business employs four people, who manage to keep the store open from 10am to 11pm most days.
We spoke with Idalisse Suarez, who along with Louis Nieves, owns the business. She noted that her enterprise seeks to attract customers from throughout the entire city.