What's Happening This Month

TNBID Arranges COVID Testing

The Throggs Neck BID, working with the NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation and NYC Labs, has arranged for ongoing COVID-19 testing in our community. The service is available seven days a week at the Derosa O’Boyle Triangle from 9am—7pm.

Pictured: BID Director Bob Jaen and NYC Lab owner Jay Garcia. Jaen and Frank Vernuccio delivered a large quantity of masks to the testing site.

Important Announcements

14 Day Loan Application for Smallest Businesses

On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 9 am ET, SBA will establish a 14-day, exclusive PPP loan application period for businesses and nonprofits with fewer than 20 employees. This will give lenders and community partners more time to work with the smallest businesses to submit their applications, while also ensuring that larger PPP-eligible businesses will still have plenty of time to apply for and receive support before the program expires on March 31, 2021.

SBA also announced four additional changes to open the PPP to more underserved small businesses than ever before. While these changes are being implemented, SBA will work with community partners to improve the emergency relief “digital front door” and conduct extensive stakeholder outreach. And, SBA will strengthen its relationships with lender partners to advance equity goals, deliver funding efficiently, and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse. SBA will:

  • Allow sole proprietors, independent contractors, and self-employed individuals to receive more financial support by revising the PPP’s funding formula for these categories of applicants;
  • Eliminate an exclusionary restriction on PPP access for small business owners with prior non-fraud felony convictions, consistent with a bipartisan congressional proposal; 
  • Eliminate PPP access restrictions on small business owners who have struggled to make student loan payments by eliminating student loan debt delinquency as a disqualifier to participating in the PPP; and
  • Ensure access for non-citizen small business owners who are lawful U.S. residents by clarifying that they may use Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to apply for the PPP.

A critical goal from Congress for the latest round of PPP was to reach small and low- and moderate-income (LMI) businesses who have not received the needed relief a forgivable PPP loan provides. Congress set a $15B set-aside for small and LMI first draw borrowers. With existing policies, the current round has only deployed $2.4B to small LMI borrowers, in part because a disproportionate amount of funding in both wealthy and LMI areas is going to firms with more than 20 employees. The less than 20 exclusivity period combined with the changes to expand access for sole proprietors, ITINs, returning citizens, and student loan debt will help us achieve Congressional goals.

What's Happening This Month

BID Helps Feed Community

BID Director Bob Jaen helped deliver 200 boxes of food for the homeless and hungry this past weekend. The BID has, since its inception in 2020, consistently assisted in community endeavors, fulfilling its goal of making the area a better place to do business, shop, dine, and live.

Important Announcements

35% Allowed at Restaurants.

NYC restaurants and bars indoor seating will be allowed to increase to 35% of capacity effective Feb. 26. The rest of the state remains at 50%.

Featured Business

Cousin’s Pizza Adds Bakery

Renowned food reviewer Bailey Provetto, the founder of Tasty Ladies New York, reviews BID restaurants.

Cousin’s Pizzeria at 3579 Tremont Avenue has added a bakery to their pizzeria.

They updated the look and it has the decor and feel of an upscale pizzeria with a fun family tree art on the wall with ” A Pizza of our History” with pictures of the owners family.

Their menu is extensive and resembles more an Italian restaurant than just pizzeria. A full array of pastas, entrees, salads, appetizers, Heroes, Calzones, Pinwheels, Beef Patties and of course Pizza! Lots of Pizza, over 10 specialty Pizzas by the slice or by the pie. 

I ordered a regular slice, a Sicilian, a sausage slice and a pepperoni pinwheel. 
The crust was very nice and crunchy with a nice oven singe on the bottom with zesty sauce and gooey, stringy cheesy goodness. The sausage was sliced thin the way I like it and the pinwheel was perfect.
They just added “The Sweet Spot” with a display of fresh baked cookies and bread, cakes, fresh filled cannolis and gluten free items as well. They have a full coffee station as well.

They have a full array of soft drinks and they have delivery. Catch all their specials on their Facebook and Instagram pages.

What's Happening This Month

BID Arranges Free Testing

The Throggs Neck BID has arranged for free COVID-19 testing, in cooperation with the NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation.


Mobile Testing at Throggs Neck BID

Dates: Monday – Sunday 2/15 – 2/21  

Times: 8AM -7PM (Testing 8AM – 12:30PM, 1PM-7PM)

Location: (Streetside Parking on Dewey Ave) Corner of Dewey Ave & Tremont Ave, Bronx NY 10465

Notes for Community: Testing is FREE. NO insurance required/asked. Live interpretation services available

Important Announcements

Vaccine Eligibility for Restaurant Workers

Governor Cuomo has announced that localities may add restaurant workers, taxi drivers, and those at facilities for the developmentally disabled to the Phase 1b vaccine prioritization group.

What's Happening This Month

Restaurants to Reopen Friday

Governor Cuomo has announced that indoor dining reopens Friday at 25% capacity. However, 74 NYC restaurants have filed an emergency motion demanding that they be allowed to reopen at a minimum of 50% capacity. This latest action is part of the existing lawsuit against Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio, which noted that the industry was subjected to unpredictable regulations subjecting the restaurant industry to significant financial difficulties.  

Featured Business

Street Vendors vs. Merchants

Store owners already challenged by COVID-19 regulations and the resulting lockdowns and other onerous regulations have an additional hurdle to overcome: the increased presence of street vendors, many of whom are illegal.

There are as many as 20,000 street vendors in New York City.

The New York City Council has just passed legislation, Intro 1116, that lifts the permit cap by 4,000.

Brick and mortar stores become a fabric of their communities in a way that transient vendors do not. They contribute to the permanent improvement of neighborhoods and provide employment opportunities, all at significant expense and risk to owners.

Important Announcements

Flower Giveaway!

The Throggs Neck Bid and Councilmember Mark Gjonaj are sponsoring a Flower Giveaway, just in time for Valentine’s Day!

The flowers will be given on February 11 at 4pm in front of the TD Bank at 3755 East Tremont Avenue.