What's Happening This Month

COVID Testing

There will be COVID testing centers on November 27–29 from 9am–4pm on the corner of Randall and East Tremont.

What's Happening This Month

Liquor Rules

From the NY State Liquor Authority, to State liquor license holders:

10 P.M. Curfew for Bars, Restaurants and Liquor Stores – Effective November 13, 2020 We are writing to thank you for remaining vigilant in complying with the important COVID-related public health requirements, and to remind and reaffirm to you that pursuant to Executive Order 202.74, effective Friday, November 13, 2020, New York State has imposed a new, statewide 10:00 PM curfew related to food and beverage service due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ON PREMISES SERVICE: All licensees with on-premises privileges (e.g. restaurants, taverns, clubs, catering halls, manufacturers with tasting rooms, etc.), must cease all on premises service (indoors or outdoors) of food and beverage at or before 10:00 PM daily. All such licensees must also ensure no consumption of food and beverage (indoors or outdoors) after 10:00 PM and that no patron remains in or enters into any interior portion of your premises at or after 10:00 PM. Licensees with on premises privileges may still provide food and non-alcoholic beverages for curbside or take-out window pickup or for delivery after 10:00 PM. Alcoholic beverages may not be sold for pick up or delivery at or after 10:00 PM, daily. No patrons should be at a licensed premise after 10:00 PM for any reason other than to pick up food or non-alcoholic beverages, and then only from an exterior point on the premises. Businesses may reopen for on premises service at 5:00 AM daily, and may resume alcohol sales based on the hours in the county where they operate, or the hours stipulated under the approved license – whichever is later. See county opening hours here.

LIQUOR AND WINE STORES: Additionally, all liquor stores and wine stores must cease all off-premises sales (including delivery and pickup) and close by 10:00 PM daily. Liquor and wine stores operating in counties where the county has restricted the closing hours earlier than 10:00 PM. must continue to abide by these further restrictions. See county closing and opening hours here.

Important Announcements

Tasty Reviews

The best restaurant reviews will be here! The BID is thrilled to announce that food reviewer Bailey Provetto, the founder of Tasty Ladies New York, will review BID restaurants. Visit our website regularly for the latest delicious news.

Important Announcements

NYPD Warning

The NYPD is warning that there have been “multiple commercial robberies” in our area, and lottery tickets have been stolen by force.

Important Announcements


The Greg Hill Foundation has teamed up with Grubhub to create a new grant opportunity for restaurants through Restaurant Strong Fund. To support Restaurant owners in their efforts to Winterize their outdoor dining spaces and increase their capacity for guests, The Restaurant Strong Fund will be providing $10,000 grants to restaurants. These grants will be limited to restaurants that have 5 or fewer locations and within the following cities; Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia. Restaurants will have the opportunity to apply for this grant by providing specific plans on winterizing their outdoor dining spaces. The campaign is supported with a $2 million grant recommended from Grubhub Community Relief Fund and the application for grants will open on Monday, November 9th. The Restaurant Strong Fund will be accepting 1,000 grant applications for each city and initial grants will be awarded to restaurants on a rolling basis starting on November 23rd.

Important Announcements


The NYC Office of Nightlife is hosting a Town Call for restaurants and bars TODAY, November 18, FROM 12PM TO 1:30PM.  This event will be focused on public health, including a presentation by the Test & Trace Corps, targeted directly at business owners and operators.


What's Happening This Month

Evergreen Victory!

For many years, local residents and businesses have hoped that a permanent evergreen tree would be planted at Derosa O’Boyle Triangle (Dewey Avenue between East Tremont and Edison.) The spot is where many community holiday events have occurred. The Throggs Neck BID has accomplished that goal! Working with the Parks Department, a tree will soon be planted there.

Important Announcements


  • Effective November 13 at 10 p.m., bars, restaurants and gyms, as well as any State Liquor Authority-licensed establishment, must close in-person service from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily.
  • Effective November 13 at 10 p.m., indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences will be limited to no more than 10 people. 
  • New travel guidelines are in effect that allow out-of-state travelers to “test out” of the mandatory 14-day quarantine. 
  • A new cluster action initiative is addressing COVID-19 hot spots that have cropped up across the state.
Important Announcements

Thank You, Veterans!

We at the Throggs Neck BID thank our veterans for all that they have done, and all that they continue to do, for our nation.

What's Happening This Month

Holiday Advertising

Will your business have any special holiday sales, discounts, programs or events? Let the BID know! We will do all we can to get the word out.