Important Announcements

CB10 Bally’s Meeting

Bronx Community Board #10 has invited the public to a meeting regarding Bally’s Golf Links at Ferry Point’s proposal to build and operate a hotel and casino at 500 Hutchinson River Parkway, Bronx, NY 10465. The meeting will be held at the Nat Silverberg Field House which is on the campus of Monsignor Scanlan High School at 915 Hutchinson River Parkway, Bronx, NY 10465. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. sharp on Tuesday, February 25th.

What's Happening This Month

BID Volunteer Marano Removes Graffiti

Throggs Neck BID volunteer John Marano expertly works to remove graffiti from the neighborhood. The picture below illustrate just one of his latest targets. Well done, John, and thanks!

What's Happening This Month

Training Grants

The NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) provides federally funded grants to help NYC-based businesses train and retain their employee through our Customized Training Grant.

This grant reimburses up to 60 percent of the total training costs in one or more of the following areas:

· Learning how to use recently purchased equipment or software

· Offering new services/products to reach new markets

· Providing new skills to help current staff advance into hard-to-fill positions

· Updating outdated skills to help the business be more competitive

Learn more and apply:…/customized-training…

Register for a training webinar:…/customized-training…

Featured Business

A Sweet Announcement!

“Light and Sweet” at 2889 Dill Place had its grand opening on January 24. Join them for ice cream, delectable desserts, and coffee!

Featured Business

Congratulations, Crosstown Diner!

The Crosstown Diner at 2880 Bruckner Blvd. has been been named “Best of the Bronx” in 2024. Once again, it proves that the Throggs Neck BID is THE place for dining in NYC.

What's Happening This Month

Annual Meeting a Success

The Throggs Neck BID held its annual meeting on December 18. Chairman Anthony Basso (third from right) greeted the participants, Executive Director Bob Jaen (center, in red) discussed the many achievements of the organization, and Council Member Kristi Marmorato (center, in pink) discussed the many ways her office has assisted the BID’s efforts to improve and preserve the community. embers of the Board of Directors and staff are also pictured.

Featured Business

Happy New Year

Plan your New Year’s Eve celebration in the Throggs Neck BID! Our numerous fine dining experiences provide the widest selection and the best prices.

Important Announcements

Voice Your Opinion on Cannabis Dispensary

Bronx Community Board 10 received a cannabis retail dispensary application from The Yetti Club Corp. The Yetti Club Corp. selected 4010 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, NY 10465 as its prospective location. The Community Board is permitted 30 days to review. They have yet to schedule a public hearing to issue an opinion on the application. When they do, the BID will publish the time and location. We urge you to send comments, concerns, and opinions via email to You are also more than welcomed to call Community Board 10 as well at 718-892-1161.

Featured Business

Happy Holidays from the Throggs Neck BID

On behalf of Chairman Anthony Basso, Executive Director Bob Jaen, the Board of Directors and staff of the Throggs Neck Business Improvement District, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Please celebrate and shop at the wonderful restaurants and stores in our community.

Featured Business

Toy Giveaway!

The Throggs Neck Business Improvement District’s


Will Be Held on

Friday, December 20 From 3-6 pm

Along East Tremont Avenue from Bruckner to Miles

Look for the BID Shuttle Bus!