Important Announcements

Low Interest Loans

Low Interest Small Business Loans for NYC Entrepreneurs

If you’re a NYC-based business – a startup, growth-stage business, or needing a boost after the pandemic – the NYC Small Business Opportunity Fund can help.

• No minimum credit score required

• Loans up to $250,000 at 4% fixed interest rate

• Free business support

• Easy to apply

• No application fee

The NYC Small Business Opportunity Fund is made possible through public-private partnerships with Goldman Sachs’ One Million Black Women, Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, Community Reinvestment Fund, USA (CRF), local Community Development Financial Institutions(CDFIs), and small business service centers.

Call 888-SBS-4NYC or visit for questions or help with your application.

Important Announcements

On Potential Unrest

The Throggs Neck BID has met with the NYPD on an unlikely, but nevertheless potential, problem. On Friday, January 27, videotape of the incident in Memphis will be aired on news channels. Some have suggested that it may provoke violent demonstrations. In the unlikely event this does occur, the Police suggest closing early and closing your gates, or boarding windows. Turn cameras to face the street. If you hear or see something, call the 45 precinct. Again, a problem is unlikely, but this information has been forwarded just in case.

Important Announcements

Annual Meeting a Success

On Thursday, January 19, the Throggs Neck BID held its Annual Meeting.

Chairman Anthony Basso noted his pride at the extraordinary achievements of the organization, particularly in light of the COVID challenge.

Vice Chairman John Sisto presented the BID’s financial report.

Executive Director Bob Jaen outlined plans for further accomplishments in the current year, including the installation of decorative and traffic-safety planter boxes throughout the BID. He noted that, thanks to BID-sponsored services such as a security patrol and private sanitation, the area has become far cleaner and safer. He discussed an exploratory effort towards establishing a free shuttle bus service. He added that over twenty new businesses have opened in the BID since the pandemic concluded.

45 Police Precinct Captain Johnny Orellana spoke about the partnership the BID has engaged in with the NYPD to keep the community safe, and the efforts of his team to fight crime.

Featured Business

Crosstown Diner is the Best!

The Crosstown Diner has been named the Best in The Bronx! A well-deserved honor for a great restaurant.

What's Happening This Month

Welcome, Fiorentina!

Congratulations to Fiorentina Steakhouse, now open at 3617 E Tremont Ave, The Bronx, NY 10465. Call (718) 812-1112 for reservations. A magnificent new addition to the regions’ best collection of restaurants, all found in the Throggs Neck BID!

Featured Business

Businesses Flock to BID

Twenty-eight new businesses have opened in the Throggs Neck BID since COVID began to wind down. Restaurants, professional services, and more now call our community home. The BID will continue to do all that is possible to make our neighborhood one of the best places in all of New York.

What's Happening This Month

Welcome, 2023!

Welcome, 2023! Your Throggs Neck BID has plans to bring even greater prosperity, safety, and beauty to our community this year. We are working on a wide variety of concepts that will make Throggs Neck an incredible place to live, work, shop, dine, and do business in.

Featured Business

Merry Christmas from the Throggs Neck BID!

The Board and staff of the Throggs Neck Business Improvement District wish all of you the Merriest of Christmases! It has been our honor and joy to work with you to make our community the best it has ever been.

What's Happening This Month

Holiday Sanitation Schedule

With back-to-back holidays observed on consecutive Mondays, the New York City Department of Sanitation is providing guidance to residents who normally receive Monday collection.

Christmas Day – Observed Monday, December 26

  • There is no collection on the observed holiday, Monday, December 26. Residents who normally receive Monday trash or curbside compost collection may place their material out at curbside between 4 p.m. and midnight on Monday for collection beginning Tuesday, December 27. Residents may experience collection delays, as is common after holidays. We appreciate your patience as we work to collect the backlog of material.
  • Residents who normally receive Monday recycling collection should hold their material. Their next collection day will be TUESDAY, JANUARY 3.

New Year’s Day – Observed Monday, January 2

  • There is no collection on the observed holiday, Monday, January 2. Residents who normally receive Monday trash or curbside compost collection may place their material out at curbside between 4 p.m. and midnight on Monday for collection beginning Tuesday, January 3. Residents may experience collection delays, as is common after holidays. We appreciate your patience as we work to collect the backlog of material.
  • Residents who normally receive Monday recycling collection should place their material out curbside between 4 p.m. and midnight on Monday for collection beginning Tuesday, January 3.
Important Announcements

Annual Meeting Notice

The Annual Meeting of the Throggs Neck Business Improvement District will take place on THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 at 3pm

The agenda will include an opening statement by our Chairman, a review of our past accomplishments and future plans, a report on BID finances, a guest speaker, and an opportunity for your comments.

Only Registered Members may vote on any issues, but all community members are invited to attend and participate in the event. 

Proposed Agenda:

Welcome and Introductions: Chairman Anthony Basso

2.    Reading of the Minutes of the prior Annual Meeting: Frank Vernuccio

3.    Financial Report: Vice Chairman John Sisto

4.    List of Accomplishments: Executive Director Bob Jaen

5.    Guest Speaker Captain Johnny Orellana, 45 Police Precinct

6.    Future Plans: Executive Director Bob Jaen

7.    Questions from the Floor

8.    Any additional Business

9.    Request for Motion to close: Chairman Anthony Basso

Due to ongoing health safety concerns, the meeting will be conducted via zoom. To Sign in:

Join Zoom Meeting

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2022 Annual Meeting

Held January 19, 2023


3800 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx NY 10465 and via Zoom

A Review of the BID’s 2022 Year

On behalf of our Chairman, Anthony Basso, our Executive Director, Bob Jaen, and the Board of Directors, welcome to the Annual Meeting of the Throggs Neck Business Improvement District (BID), covering our accomplishments for the year 2022.

Early Challenges

By now, many of you know the unique story of our BID.  We were formed to help the property owners, businesses, and residents of our area.  Our plans included increasing security and cleanliness, improving lighting, bringing more prosperity to the area, and developing beautification projects. We have achieved those goals.  In the coming year, we are seeking to further enhance those efforts and to market our local businesses to the entire region.

As soon as we began operations, a major new challenge emerged, as COVID ravaged our city, state and nation.

New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli has stated that The Bronx was the hardest hit economically of any New York City Borough. He noted that the Bronx had the highest unemployment rate in the city, peaking at 24.6% last May, and suffered from  inadequate resources for the small businesses that make up the majority of the commercial activity in the borough.

Our newly formed-BID responded quickly. Early on, we realized the hurdle faced.  We were determined to not let the pandemic harm the Throggs Neck Community or to derail the magnificent plans we had made to make the area the best it could be.  At significant personal risk, BID staff, including Executive Director Bob Jaen and Associate Frank Vernuccio, repeatedly went door-to-door distributing masks, sanitizers, gloves, and thermometers to local businesses. Through our newsletter and social media, we provided important information on how to deal with the challenge. Additionally, we arranged for curbside screenings and sidewalk distributions of protective equipment.

Accomplishing Goals

Engaging in these efforts did not deter us from our original goals.  We retained a private sanitation company to provide additional cleanup activities six days a week. We are now considered the cleanest BID in the Bronx.

We also are working to make our community the safest in the city.  To that end, we hired a private security firm to patrol our neighborhood. We didn’t stop there. With funding from Assembly Member Michael Benedetto, we initiated the process of placing anti-crime cameras throughout the BID.  This effort is scheduled to be completed within the next nine months.

Unique among area bids, we convinced the Department of Transportation to substantially improve the lighting of our sidewalks and streets. This task has been accomplished, and the brilliant improvement is there for all to see. This was an urgent need. Before the installation, area streets had severe dark spots resulting in the loss of life. 

As Comptroller DiNapoli has noted, small business is the bedrock of commerce in our borough.  To assist these enterprises navigate the often confusing and complex web of regulations and requirements, we publish a weekly newsletter that contains valuable information. The publication has received numerous accolades.

Perhaps the most visible impact of the BID has been our beautification efforts. We planted new trees and plants, and placed decorative railings around them. A long-hoped for goal, the planting of a centerpiece tree at the DeRosa-O‘Boyle Triangle, was finally achieved. That’s just for starters!

 We are now in the planning process of arranging beautiful planters that will not only dramatically enhance the appearance of our community, but will be strategically placed to prevent vehicles from accidentally breaching curbs and mounting sidewalks. And of course, we placed those magnificent overhead lights that brighten the holidays.

A Key Part of the Community

As we engage in all these efforts, we realize that the people who live in our area must be a key focus of all that we do.  We have partnered with the 45 Precinct on outreach programs such as the Fall Festival.  We have worked with a local church, the Family Worship Center, to distribute food to needy families on a number of occasions. At our joyous Holiday Tree Lighting event, we distributed thousands of toys to area children. With the assistance of local restaurants, a delicious and abundant selection of prepared meals was provided.

On a number of occasions, BID personnel testified before the City Council and Community Board 10 on matters of importance to our area.

The BID held a very successful fundraiser in October. (It become the social event of the year!) A portion of the funds collected were donated to local causes such as the Throggs Neck Volunteer Ambulance Corps, the purchase of graffiti removal equipment, and a local food bank.

Measuring Success

One way to examine the success of our efforts is to note the eagerness of businesses to open up in our area.  Since the worst of the COVID pandemic ended, twenty-eight new businesses have entered our community.  Some long-standing needs, including a top-quality steak house and a full-service bakery, are among the latest additions. New providers of professional services, including attorneys, dentists, physical therapists, financial consultants and others have opened up in the BID.

BID Brightens the Holidays

The Throggs Neck provided holiday lights to encourage diners and shoppers to come to our community.

2023 Plans

The Throggs Neck Community has been greatly enhanced by our efforts over the prior two years. Now is the time to tell the world about all we have to offer. 

We will be marketing our success.  In the near future, we will be compiling information on the food, merchandise, and services available within the BID, and getting that information out to the entire region.

We will further enhance our community with new planters, giving our neighborhood an even greater appearance.

BID staff are currently exploring the possibility of bringing a shuttle service to East Tremont Avenue, linking it to sites such as Waters Place.

The BID’s provision of private sanitation and security services, as well as the maintenance of tree pits and the publication of a weekly informative newsletter will, of course, continue in 2023.

Board of Directors

Our all-volunteer Board of Directors represent the property owners, businesses and residents of our area.

Anthony Basso, Chair; John Sisto, Vice Chair; Bill Tsibidis, Treasurer; Robert Velasquez, Secretary; Ed Angelino; Jackie McQuade; Donald Engledrum; Michael Musano; John Cerini; Frederick Hooke, representing NYC’s Small Business Services; Greer Mayhew, representing the NYC Comptroller’s Office; Tom Lucania, representing the Bronx Borough President’s Office; and Mike Corbett, representing Council Member Velasquez.

Our legal counsel, who graciously volunteers his services, is Stephen B. Kaufman, esq. 

We recently lost two truly beloved members of our Board of Directors who were instrumental in our founding:  Elizabeth Engledrum, and James McQuade. May they Rest in Peace.


A number of public-spirited volunteers have generously provided time and services to the BID.  To name just a few:  John Provetto and John Murano, who keep the community graffiti-free. Maria Vazquez, Gerri Colon, and Rita Stemberga who tirelessly helped make every BID event a success.