Important Announcements

Exec Director Bob Jaen Awarded

Senator Alessandra Biaggi has presented Throggs Neck BID Executive Director Bob Jaen with a well-deserved “Heroes of District 34 Award” for his extraordinary work on behalf of the Throggs Neck Bid Community.  Congratulations, Bob! 

What's Happening This Month

TNBID Makes the Holidays Merry!

A joyous holiday success! The Throggs Neck Bid distributed hundreds of toys and meals to the community at its annual Tree Lighting celebration on Sunday, December 4.

Important Announcements


December 18 marks the start of Hanukkah. The Board and staff of the Throggs Neck BID extend their warmest greetings to all.

The Annual Meeting of the Throggs Neck Business Improvement District will take place on THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 at 3pm. Details regarding location, zoom participation, speakers and agenda will be sent in subsequent notices.

What's Happening This Month

Throggs Neck Bid Tree Lighting

Start the Holiday Season with a great event: The Throggs Neck Bid Tree Lighting, which will take place on Sunday, December 4, starting at 5:30 pm, at the DeRosa O’Boyle triangle near the library.

Featured Business

TN BID A Major Factor in Assisting Community

The Throggs Neck BID has become a major factor in assisting our community. We recently gave checks to the Throggs Neck Volunteer Ambulance Corps, the food pantry of the Family Worship Center, and we are also purchasing graffiti removal supplies.

What's Happening This Month

Small Business Saturday

November 26, 2022 is Small Business Saturday – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. This year, we know that small businesses need our support now more than ever as they navigate, retool and pivot from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Please join SBA and organizations across the country in supporting your local small businesses by shopping at a small business.

Founded by American Express in 2010 and officially cosponsored by SBA since 2011, Small Business Saturday has become an important part of small businesses’ busiest shopping season. Historically, reported projected spending among U.S. consumers who shopped at independent retailers and restaurants on Small Business Saturday reached an estimated $23.3 billion according to the 2021 Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey commissioned by American Express. 

Get marketing materials and information at

What's Happening This Month

Annual Thanksgiving Community Luncheon

The Family Worship Center invites all to their Annual Thanksgiving Community Luncheon, Saturday, Nov. 19, at 2pm, at PS 72, 2951 Dewey Ave., at 12pm.

Important Announcements

Save These 2 Dates!

Throggs Neck Bid Holiday Celebration

The Throggs Neck BID invites all in our community to join in an extraordinary event as we light our holiday tree, distribute presents to local children, and enjoy a delicious assortment of food and snacks from local restaurants. The magnificent event takes place on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, starting at 5:30pm, at the Derosa O’Boyle Triangle.

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Throggs Neck Business Improvement District will take place on THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 at 3pm. Details regarding location, zoom participation, speakers and agenda will be sent in subsequent notices.

What's Happening This Month

Thanks to our Veterans

The Throggs Neck BID expresses its heartfelt appreciation to all of our heroic veterans. You are always in our thoughts.

Featured Business

Another Distinguished Business Opens in BID

Mass Mutual, led in our community by Anthony Spinelli, is having a Grand Opening celebration on November 17th starting at 6pm. The event is being held at 3515 East Tremont Avenue. Respond to