Featured Business

Happy Holidays from the Throggs Neck BID

On behalf of Chairman Anthony Basso, Executive Director Bob Jaen, the Board of Directors and staff of the Throggs Neck Business Improvement District, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Please celebrate and shop at the wonderful restaurants and stores in our community.

Featured Business

Toy Giveaway!

The Throggs Neck Business Improvement District’s


Will Be Held on

Friday, December 20 From 3-6 pm

Along East Tremont Avenue from Bruckner to Miles

Look for the BID Shuttle Bus!

Featured Business

Your Invited! Holiday Tree Lighting Celebration

The Throggs Neck BID’s annual Tree Lighting Event will be held on December 18, beginning at 5pm, at the Derosa-O’Boyle Triangle near the public library. It’s a magical, FREE evening. Come for the music, toys for kids (first come, first served), and delicious food. Our co-sponsors, including Assembly Member Mike Benedetto, Council Member Kristi Marmorato, and Senator Nathalia Fernadez, as well as Bally’s and L&J events, help make the spirit bright.

Featured Business

Promise Kept: Safer & More Beautiful

The Throggs Neck Bid has once again made our community safer and more beautiful! Throughout the BID area, beautiful planters that also serve as safety barriers preventing out-of-control vehicles from entering the sidewalk, have been installed. Bushes currently grace the planters, and come spring, an explosion of colorful flowers will brighten the neighborhood.

What's Happening This Month

BID Meets With DA to Fight Crime, Illegal Pot

Throggs Neck BID Executive Director Bob Jaen, Associate Director Frank Vernuccio, and representatives of Bronx BIDS met on November 13 with Bronx DA Darcel Clark to discuss issues involving crime and unlawful cannabis sales.

Important Announcements

2024 Annual Meeting Scheduled

The Throggs Neck BID will hold its ANNUAL MEETING on December 18, 2024, 6:30 to 7:30 pm, at the LIVING ROOM, 2883 DILL PLACE, Bronx, NY 10465. A review of the BID’s activities during the previous year will be held, and plans for the coming year will be discussed. The public is invited. You must be a property owner, business, or resident within the geographical area of the BID to vote, and be registered with the BID.

For those who cannot attend in person, a zoom link has been provided:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 0415 3852
Passcode: 784731

One tap mobile
+16469313860,,82004153852#,,,,*784731# US
+19292056099,,82004153852#,,,,*784731# US (New York)

Dial by your location
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
• +1 689 278 1000 US
• +1 719 359 4580 US
• +1 253 205 0468 US
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 360 209 5623 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US

Meeting ID: 820 0415 3852
Passcode: 784731

Find your local number:

What's Happening This Month

BID Helps All Aspects of Community Life

The Throggs Neck BID participated in the Family Worship Center’s Community Day and Health Fair event on Saturday, September 22.

Important Announcements

Great Events Ahead, and the BID Gets You There Free!

Exciting BID events are happening this whole year.

The highlight will be the BID GALA, which has become our community’s social event of the year.

(for journal ads, use the following form:

3rd Annual Throggs Neck Business Improvement District GALA Event


Journal Page Order Form

Business owner or individual name: _________________________________

Address: (Please include City, State, Zip Code: _____________________________________ _____________________

Phone ______________________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________________

            *Kindly print the above information clearly to ensure accuracy. *

All ADS are full page.   $200 per page

Please provide a copy of your ad

Deadline for the Journal ad is October 1st, 2024

Journal Ad Only (number of Ads)________  $200 per AD

Gala Tickets Only (number of guests)_______$150.00 Per Person

Table of 10 plus journal AD (number of tables)_________$1500.00

Donations _______________________

 Authorized Signature______________________________________Date:_____________  

  ***Please submit this form along with a copy of your ad and payment ***

Make all checks payable to: Throggs Neck Business Improvement District 

Mail this form and your checks to: 

Throggs Neck Business Improvement District 

3800 East Tremont Avenue

Bronx, NY 10465

If you have any questions concerning this invoice, please email us at:

These are some of the activities the Throggs Neck BID plans to offer, some in cooperation with local organizations, in the coming months. Specific details, times, and locations (most will occur at the Derosa O’Boyle Triangle) will be provided closer to the scheduled event.  Note: dates are subject to change. Your participation is cordially invited!

You may even be able to get to them for free, riding the Bally’s/Bid Bus!

September 22  Community Day (with Family Worship Center)

October 6  45 Precinct Day

October 24  BID Gala

December 8  Tree Lighting

Here’s How to get the free Bally’s/BID shuttle:

The shuttle will pick you up on any corner if they are stopped, You can scan the QR code on the back of the bus for regular pick up locations. The Shuttle, as of August 14, operates Wednesday–Sunday.

These are the stops:

Stop 1: Bally’s at Ferry Point Park

Stop 2: Lafayette Avenue and Hutchinson River Parkway

Stop 3: Cross Bronx Expressway Extension and East Tremont Avenue

Stop 4: Randall Avenue Tremont Avenue

Stop 5: Lafayette Avenue and Tremont Avenue

Stop 6: Bruckner Blvd and East Tremont Avenue

Stop 7: Waterbury Avenue and East Tremont Avenue

Stop 8: 2995 East Tremont Avenue

Stop 9: Westchester Square Subway

Stop 10: 815 Hutchinson River Parkway

The entire route takes 30 minutes to complete

What's Happening This Month

Stay Healthy!

On Sunday, September 22, from 11—2, The Throggs Neck BID will co-sponsor, with the Family Worship Center, the Annual Health Fair at the Derosa O’Boyle Triangle. (3031 Cross Bronx Expressway.) Come for free health screenings and information, free lunch and groceries, school supplies, fun activities for children, and more.

Important Announcements

National Night Out Success!

Despite stormy weather, the Throggs Neck BID-cosponsored National Night Out Against Crime was a great success,. It drew a large crowd that was provided with delicious food, numerous games and treats, and information from several elected officials (Councilmember Marmorato, Senator Fernandez and Assemblymember Benedetto, who attended, helped co-sponsor the event, along with the 45th Precinct Community Council.) Pictured is Deputy Inspector Johnny A. Orellana, head of the 45. He and his staff have been tireless in their efforts to make Throggs Neck one of the safest in the city. BID Director Bob Jaen addressed the crowd, thanking Inspector Orellana for his efforts.