Outdoor Dining resumed in NYC as of 3pm on February 2.
Category: Important Announcements
Exposed gas piping systems in all buildings, except one- or two-family homes, must be inspected by a Licensed Master Plumber (LMP), or a qualified individual working under the direct and continuing supervision of a LMP, at least once every four years according to the schedule set out in 1 RCNY §103-10.
A new bill approved by the City Council on December 17, 2020, and expected to become law on January 18, 2021, extends the inspection deadline for buildings in Community Districts (CD) 1, 3, and 10 in all boroughs from December 31, 2020, to June 30, 2021.
Owners of buildings in CD 1, 3 and 10 in all boroughs that have their gas piping systems inspected between September 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020, are not required to submit the GPS2: Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification form to the Department of Buildings within 120 days of the inspection date, or where one or more conditions require time to correct within 180 days of the inspection date, but must submit the form no later than June 30, 2021.
The signed and sealed GPS2: Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification form must be submitted through the online portal at www.nyc.gov/DOBgaspipecert. Failure to file the Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification on or before the filing due date will result in a civil penalty of $10,000. To identify your community district, search by address at communityprofiles.planning.nyc.gov.
COVID Testing
The Throggs Neck BID will again sponsor a NY Labs COVID testing truck facility. The event will take place on Saturday, January 2, from 10am to 4pm.
Legislation just signed by President Trump includes $284 billion for 1st and 2nd forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loans. It expands eligibility for local newspapers, as well as local TV and radio broadcasters. The legislation provides $20 billion for Economic Injury Disaster Loans.Businesses receiving PPP loans may take tax deductions for expenses covered by forgivable loans. The new law extends the tax credit for needy employers who keep employees on payroll. It allows those receiving tax credits to qualify based on their 2019 incomes.
NYC restaurants have received a temporary postponement of the sales tax deadline. The new deadline is now March 2021.
Curbside Dining Resumes
The ban on curbside dining was ended as of 6pm on December 17.
Due to the impending snowstorm, roadside dining will be banned, effective at 2 p.m. today. It could end as early as Thursday evening.
From Governor Cuomo:
To mitigate the spread of this disease, food establishments will not be permitted to offer indoor dining beginning on Monday, December 14.
Food establishments that are located outside of State-designated “red zones” are still permitted to offer take-out, delivery, and outdoor dining. Food establishments that are located within State-designated “red zones” may continue to offer take-out and delivery only.
If you are a restaurant owner whose establishment is permitted to offer outdoor dining, you may still sign up to participate in the Open Restaurants program by visiting nyc.gov/openrestaurants. If you are already participating, you may use the same link to check siting requirements and ensure your set up is compliant.
Remember: New York State’s current guidance for outdoor and take-out/delivery food services permits restaurants to install a temporary or fixed cover (i.e. awning, roof, or tent) only if two (2) or more side walls are open.
If your structure has fewer than two (2) side walls open, it is considered an indoor dining area and therefore cannot be used for dining unless:
• a) you modify the structure to be compliant with New York State’s guidelines;
• or b) State officials announce that indoor dining may resume.
If you would like to ensure that your set up is compliant with Open Restaurant requirements, you may request a virtual compliance consultation by visiting nyc.gov/bizconsult.
(Editor’s note: EATER Magazine responded to the Governor’s move, noting that “Restaurants and bars accounted for 1.4 percent COVID-19 cases recorded in the last three months, prompting some restaurateurs to push back against the ban…many felt the decision seemed to contradict the data. By comparison, private and social gatherings accounted for nearly 74 percent of COVID- 19 cases tracked by the state between September and the end of November, and the restaurant industry placed fifth overall among the various industries and activities contributing to the spread of the virus.”)
PPP Forgiveness Info
The federal Small Business Administration will conduct a Zoom webinar on PPP forgiveness applications and EIDL Requests for Reconsideration on the following December dates: 14, 21, and 28. To RSVP or to obtain further information, please email man-lilin@sba.gov
DOT is providing to Open Restaurants participants free sandbags, reflective tape, and snow sticks to ensure compliance with Open Restaurants Winter Siting Criteria by the December 15 deadline. These materials help protect roadway dining barriers as they face potential damage related to slippery roads, snow removal operations, and snow piles pushing against them.
Pickup Locations
December 9: 837 Brush Ave. (DOT Bronx Safety City), Bronx
December 10 South side of Delancey St. and Lewis St. (DOT Yard), Manhattan