Important Announcements

Free Covid Testing

NYC will conduct free COVID-19 testing TOMORROW, December 3, from 10am–2pm, at 3165 East Tremont Avenue.

Important Announcements

Free Masks

Does your small business within the BID need facemasks? Email the BID ( to pick up a free box. Quantities are limited.

Important Announcements

Tasty Reviews

The best restaurant reviews will be here! The BID is thrilled to announce that food reviewer Bailey Provetto, the founder of Tasty Ladies New York, will review BID restaurants. Visit our website regularly for the latest delicious news.

Important Announcements

NYPD Warning

The NYPD is warning that there have been “multiple commercial robberies” in our area, and lottery tickets have been stolen by force.

Important Announcements


The Greg Hill Foundation has teamed up with Grubhub to create a new grant opportunity for restaurants through Restaurant Strong Fund. To support Restaurant owners in their efforts to Winterize their outdoor dining spaces and increase their capacity for guests, The Restaurant Strong Fund will be providing $10,000 grants to restaurants. These grants will be limited to restaurants that have 5 or fewer locations and within the following cities; Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia. Restaurants will have the opportunity to apply for this grant by providing specific plans on winterizing their outdoor dining spaces. The campaign is supported with a $2 million grant recommended from Grubhub Community Relief Fund and the application for grants will open on Monday, November 9th. The Restaurant Strong Fund will be accepting 1,000 grant applications for each city and initial grants will be awarded to restaurants on a rolling basis starting on November 23rd.

Important Announcements


The NYC Office of Nightlife is hosting a Town Call for restaurants and bars TODAY, November 18, FROM 12PM TO 1:30PM.  This event will be focused on public health, including a presentation by the Test & Trace Corps, targeted directly at business owners and operators.


Important Announcements


  • Effective November 13 at 10 p.m., bars, restaurants and gyms, as well as any State Liquor Authority-licensed establishment, must close in-person service from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily.
  • Effective November 13 at 10 p.m., indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences will be limited to no more than 10 people. 
  • New travel guidelines are in effect that allow out-of-state travelers to “test out” of the mandatory 14-day quarantine. 
  • A new cluster action initiative is addressing COVID-19 hot spots that have cropped up across the state.
Important Announcements

Thank You, Veterans!

We at the Throggs Neck BID thank our veterans for all that they have done, and all that they continue to do, for our nation.

Important Announcements

Throggs Neck BID Office Hours

Even during the COVID 19 period, the Throggs Neck BID office remains open. In-person Office Hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9–4, and Friday 11-4. On Tuesdays and at all other times, including weekends and nights, we can be reached at 347-281-8323.

Important Announcements

BID Business Opportunity

Request for Proposals for Audit Services

The Throggs Neck BID is requesting proposals from CPA firms that have extensive experience in providing audit and tax services for not for profit organizations, particularly Local Development Corporations (LDCs) and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs).  We invite qualified CPA firms to submit a proposal to us for consideration by no later than October 26.  A description of our organization, the services needed, and other pertinent information follows:

Background of The Throggs Neck BID.

The Throggs Neck BID is a New York not for profit District Management Association recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable, tax-exempt organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It began operations this year.

 Our annual operating budget is approximately $338.000. We have one full-time employees and one part time in one location.  Our main current source of revenue is from a special assessment.

The BID has a fiscal year July 1st to June 30th, with an audited statement due by November 15th of each year. The BID maintains all accounting records in-house.

Services to be Performed

Your proposal is expected to cover the following services for the BID

  1. Annual audit of the financial statements for the year ended and meetings with the Audit Committee and/or Board of Directors, as necessary.
  2. Management letter containing comments and recommendations with respect to accounting and administrative controls and efficiency.
  3. Preparation of federal and state information returns for the organization.
  4. Availability throughout the year to provide advice and guidance on reporting issues.

Proposal Content

In order to simplify the evaluation process and obtain maximum comparability, the BID requires that all responses to be organized in the following manner:

  1. Executive Summary

Describe your understanding of the work to be performed and your firm’s ability to perform the work within the time frame provided.

  • Professional Experience

Describe the firm’s philosophy, size, structure, and qualifications with serving not for profit organizations with a similar size and operations.  Describe your firm’s resources devoted to not for profit organizations and provide copies of newsletters or other resources materials addressing issues relevant to not for profit organizations. 

  • Team Qualifications

Identify the specific partners, managers, and in-charge staff who will be assigned to this engagement if you are successful in your bid. 

  • Audit Approach

Describe how your firm will approach the proposed services, including the use of affiliates or staff from other locations, areas that will receive primary emphasis, and the type of assistance that will be required from the BID.  Also discuss the firm’s use of technology.  Finally, discuss the communication process used by the firm to discuss issues with management and the Board.

  • Fees and Terms

Please provide a firm estimate of fees for the services to be provided, including the review of prior year audit papers, and a statement on how the communication process for cost overruns will be handled. Our intent is to develop a long term relationship with the successful bidder, based on performance.

  • Client References

Include a list of the relevant not for profit clients – including particularly BIDs and LDCs that manage BIDs – that the firm has served within the past three years and furnish the names and telephone numbers of any references whom we may contact.

Evaluation of Proposals

While price is a key factor, the BID will evaluate proposals on price and the following criteria:

  • Prior experience auditing similar organizations
  • Qualifications of staff to be assigned to the engagement
  • CPA firm’s understanding of work to be performed
  • References
  • Completeness and timeliness of the proposal

Requests for additional information, should be coordinated through our associate, Frank Vernuccio, at  Please return the completed proposal to our attention as soon as possible and in any event, no later than October 26, 2020.

We would also appreciate a response if you decline to submit a proposal.