What's Happening This Month

BID Fights Upzoning


I am Frank Vernuccio, and I represent the Throggs Neck Business Improvement District.

The Throggs Neck Business Improvement District is in complete opposition to the Up Zoning proposal threatening our community.

There are several key reasons for this.

As evidenced by last year’s devastating flooding following Hurricane Ida, our local drainage infrastructure is already inadequate. Adding this massive and out of scale development would result in rapid and severe danger to the homes and businesses of our area.

The traffic in this neighborhood is already severe. Adding the significant number of people in the current proposal would render that issue even more troubling, causing a dramatic deterioration to our local quality of life. We remind all that no there is no subway service to this area, and bus service is already inadequate.

One of the most significant challenges to the business community throughout the Throggs Neck BID is parking. The proposed Up Zoning does not even remotely provide adequate parking for the influx of people it calls for. This would seriously harm both residents and enterprises throughout the area.

There are procedural matters that must be mentioned, as well. In the Planning Board’s hearing on this matter, Chairman Dan Garodnick incorrectly refuted concerns over height matters, stating that the area was not in the approach zone for LaGuardia Airport. It most certainly is.

The Throggs Neck BID, Community Board 10, and the overwhelming majority of local residents oppose this proposal. The ruinous impact is clear.

In prior hearings on this topic, particularly at Community Board 10, the overwhelming majority of those speaking on behalf of this project neither live, work, own property or do business in the area affected.

It is difficult to imagine any justification to allow it to go forward.

Indeed, considering the near-unanimous local community opposition to it, an approval would make an utter mockery of the entire concept of citizen input into the future of their neighborhood.