The following are examples of actions grocery stores have taken to maintain social distancing. These are only examples, and are not requirements.
- Post signage on front doors of the store indicating how many people the store is allowing in at one time.
- Post signage indicating people should wait in line outside the store if the store is at capacity.
- Manage a line outside the store with tape demarcating 6 foot intervals; have an employee manage the number of people entering the store by the entry.
- Add tape to the ground every 6 feet in a checkout line.
- Place signs in produce area encouraging people to not touch and put back produce.
- Limit the number of people who are shopping at one time.
- Only using every other checkout station.
- Have aisles be one-way in stores where practicable to maximize spacing between customers.
- Install Plexiglas shields to separate employees from customers at checkout lines.
- Discontinue all self-serve foods.
- Sanitize credit card machines (including pen) regularly and consistently.
- Sanitize cart and basket handles between uses (by staff).
Wherever possible, have employees wear gloves and face masks when interacting with customers and/or handling products