What's Happening This Month

BID Opposes Up Zoning

The Throggs Neck Bid has provided the following testimony in opposition to the Up Zoning proposal

The Throggs Neck Business Improvement District is in complete opposition to the Up Zoning proposal threatening our community.

There are several reasons for this.

As evidenced by last year’s devastating flooding following Hurricane Ida, our local drainage infrastructure is already inadequate.  Adding this massive and out of scale development would result in rapid and severe danger to the homes and businesses of our area.

The traffic in this neighborhood is already severe. Adding the significant number of people in the current proposal would render that issue even more troubling, causing a dramatic deterioration to our local quality of life.   We remind all that no there is no subway service to this area, and bus service is already inadequate.

One of the most significant challenges to the business community throughout the Throggs Neck BID is parking.  The proposed Up Zoning does not even remotely provide adequate parking for the influx of people it calls for.  This would seriously harm both residents and enterprises throughout the area.

The Throggs Neck BID, Community Board 10, and the overwhelming majority of local residents oppose this proposal.  The ruinous impact is clear.  It is difficult to imagine any justification to allow it to go forward.

NOTE: The City Planning Commission has scheduled its public hearing for the Bruckner Sites Rezoning for Wednesday, June 29 at 10 A.M. It is a virtual public hearing via ZOOM. The meeting identification number is 618 237 7396. The password is 1. To dial-in, you may call (877) 853-5257 or (888) 788-0099. Please follow the website below on how to submit testimony. The meeting will also be livestreamed through the Department of City Planning Website:

What's Happening This Month


The Tree guard program has been completed!  In addition, the spring planting has been accomplished, as well. Our community has never been so beautiful!

What's Happening This Month

Fighting Graffiti

Our neighborhood is privileged to have dedicated residents who selflessly give their time to making this area one of the best in New York City.  A sterling example is John Marano,  who diligently eliminates graffiti,  without seeking recompense or recognition.  Seen in the picture above, John paints over graffiti scrawled over a local store. Thank you, John!

What's Happening This Month

Inside the BID

Your BID is tirelessly working at, and succeeding in, dramatically improving our community. Enhanced sanitation and security, beautification, and the provision of vital information to businesses and property owners have already been accomplished. Executive Director Bob Jaen and Associate Frank Vernuccio work diligently to enhance the neighborhood. A Board of Directors led by Chairman Anthony Basso, set the policy and course. Here are the minutes of the Board’s most recent (Feb.) meeting:

Chairman Basso opened the meeting at 3:22.

Frank Vernuccio read the minutes of the prior full board meeting. John Sisto moved that they be accepted, Mike Musano seconded.  The motion carried.

Chairman Basso noted that the BID’s CPA, Tyrone Sellers, had retired, and a replacement was required. Several RFP’s had been sent to a number of candidates on several occasions. After careful consideration of the replies, it was determined that CPA Anthony Roccamo provided the most relevant experience at the best price. Elizabeth Engledrum moved to accept Mr. Roccamo as the new CPA for the BID. John Sisto seconded. The motion carried.Bob Jaen stated that he would meet with Roccamo very soon.

Bob Jaen discussed the BID’s research into streetscaping plans. He noted that an upcoming meeting with an engineering firm would provide details on potential expenses and procedures. [It was later decided to delay implementation based on NYC plans to alter specified street corners.]

Bob Jaen also reviewed another potential project, the linking of the BID area to the new ferry service. Bob noted that the concept was in a very preliminary stage, and no details were yet available.

Steven Lee, from NYC’s Small Business Services Agency, stated that next BID budget was due before June 30, and requested that it be submitted substantially before then. He also requested that the latest Audit be made available.

A motion to close was made by Chairman Basso, and seconded by Michael Musano.

What's Happening This Month

Lighting Project Reaches Phase 2

Phase Two of the project to dramatically improve lighting in the Throggs Neck BID is moving ahead. The Throggs Neck BID has achieved this almost unprecedented upgrade, which includes significant illumination upgrades and the replacement of unsafe poles.

What's Happening This Month

Traffic Enforcement

The 45 Precinct reminds motorists that you must give right-of-way to pedestrians, even if the light is green. Two pedestrians were recently struck on the corner of East Tremont and Randall.

What's Happening This Month

Toilet Access for Delivery Personnel

On Monday, January 24th the New York City law took effect requiring food service establishments to provide “toilet facility” access to food delivery workers who work for third-party delivery companies. 

  • The term “toilet facility” means a toilet facility on the premises of a food service establishment that is a dedicated facility for its patrons or that is a dedicated facility for its employees to the extent such establishment does not have a dedicated facility for its patrons.
  • The only exception to this requirement is where accessing the toilet facility would require a food delivery worker to walk through such establishment’s kitchen, food preparation or storage area or utensil washing area to access such facility OR where accessing the toilet facility would create an obvious health and safety risk to the food delivery worker or to the establishment.
What's Happening This Month

COVID Testing, 1/20–1/23

COVID-19 Bronx Testing

Locations Schedule 1/20 to 1/23

 Below is a listing of Bronx Mobile Testing Sites: Rapid and PCR

Bufano Park (Intersection of Waterbury/Bradford), Bronx, NY 10461
Thursday–Sunday, 9am-6pm
Rapid Antigen Testing Available Here (2 years old and above)

1825 Eastchester Rd (Corner of Sakett Ave/Tenbrock Ave), Bronx, NY
Thursday–Sunday, 9am-6pm
Rapid Antigen Testing Available Here (2 years old and above)

Owen Dolen Square (Intersection Lane Ave/Westchester Ave), Bronx, NY
Thursday–Sunday, 9am-6pm
Rapid Antigen Testing Available Here (2 years old and above)

Jacobi 1400 Pelham Pkwy S, Bronx, NY 10461
Thursday, 9am-6pm, Friday, 8am-3pm
PCR and Rapid Antigen Testing Available Here (4 years old and above)

CO-OP City, 177 Dreiser Loop, Bronx NY 10475
Thursday–Sunday, 8am–7pm
PCR and Rapid Antigen Testing Available Here (4 years old and above)

St Frances de Chantal, 190 Hollywood Ave, Bronx, NY 10465
Thursday, Jan. 20: 8am-6pm
PCR and Rapid Antigen Testing Available Here (4 years old and above)

What's Happening This Month

Get free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests

Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order #44 free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests. The tests are completely free. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days.

Order here:

What's Happening This Month

COVID Testing

The BID has arranged for another COVID testing Day. On Saturday, January 15, at 3955 East Tremont Avenue, testing services will be available from 9:30am to 4:30pm. Free Masks and sanitizers will be distributed.

The Throggs Neck BID arranged for COVID testing on January 6, on the corner of Lamport and East Tremont Avenue.   Trace and tracking services were provided, as well. Numerous masks were provided for free.

The BID was concerned over the long lines at local private testing sites, and the lack of official city “pop-up” sites within the Throggs Neck community.

Photo: BID Director Bob Jaen with NYC Health and Hospitals testing and tracing staff