What's Happening This Month

DoT Ignores Community Input

The Throggs Neck BID, along with Community Board 10 and almost all of the local community, oppose NYC’s “Road Diet” plan that would reduce lanes on a portion of East Tremont Avenue and further reduce drive-able space by the addition of a bike lane.

As they have consistently done in other areas that have had unwanted “Road Diets” imposed, the Department of Transportation ignored the overwhelming local opposition. 

Community Board 10 District Manager Mathew Cruz writes:

“NYCDOT will not consider reducing any of the road diets or delaying its implementation until appropriate street lighting is installed. NYCDOT will not consider new speed cameras in replace of any road dieting. NYCDOT will not consider removing the proposed bicycle lanes…Community Board #10 offered real suggestions to which, again, NYCDOT wanted to hear nothing of it. I am told that the projects could commence as early as next week. It is unfortunate the tone city agencies are now taking with Community Boards.”