What's Happening This Month

New Trash Rules

Reminder! New Trash Set-Out Times Began April 1 

Effective April 1, 2023, businesses that place waste at the curb* for collection have two setout options:

  • If using a container with a secure lid, a business should place waste at the curb 1 hour before closing, or
  • If putting bags directly on the curb, place waste out after 8:00 PM.

·       *This does not apply to businesses that have waste collected from a loading dock or other off-street location.

·        ·     Send your questions to DSNY’s Commercial Engagement Team will provide additional free resources including information on the rules, educational site visits, trainings, and webinars.

Send your questions to DSNY’s Commercial Engagement Team will provide additional free resources including information on the rules, educational site visits, trainings, and webinars.

 The City is aware that these new rules are onerous for businesses and being implemented on a short timeline. The Team continues to coordinate with DSNY and City Hall to express the concerns and discuss possible solutions